Arduino Project
Magicbot : Getting Started
Components Required
Magicbot is a mobile robot platform build for learning and practicing robotics concepts while playing with it. It’s a two wheeled robot which can be program to do many tasks. Some of them are as follows,
- Line following
- Obstacle detection & avoidance
- Grid solving
- Bluetooth controlling
- WiFi controlling
- Maze solving
- Floor detection
- Swarm robotics
Platform equipped with
- 5x line sensors
- Ultrasonic sensor
- Battery holder (18650 Li-ion or 3x AA Alkaline Battery)
Pins for relevant sensors marked on the platform itself.
Ultrasonic Sensor – Trigger and Echo – 5
Line sensors – 32, 14, 26, 4, 13
Left Motor Driver – 16, 17
Right Motor Driver – 27, 18