Getting Started
Getting Started
Create Magicblocks.io Account
- Go to Magicblocks website, http://magicblocks.io/
- Click on Signup Now
- Click on the Signup button after inserted your details

- Go to the email account you provided and activate your Magicblocks account with the Activation Link
- Follow the Activation Link which we have sent you in an email. Check spam folder if you didn’t find in your inbox.
Gmail verification email
Login to Your Magicblocks.io Account
- Go to Magicblocks.io official website – magicblocks.io
- Select LOGIN
- Enter your email address and the Magicblocks Password and sign in to Magicblocks

Start the Playground

The playground is the visual programming environment based on Node-Red that has been customized for seamless integration with hardware devices to enable IoT. When you log in for the first time, your playground will not be running. If you do not have a valid subscription, you will be allowed to run the playground only for 1 hour continuously before it is automatically stopped. You will need to wait for 1hour to start the playground again. You can subscribe to the Standard Subscription by entering the coupon code in the Subscription tab provided with your Magicbit device. If you have any issue please write to [email protected]

Create a new device
Go to Device Manager and add a new device. Select your device type & keep the status as Active. You can use any name and description. Click save changes to finish.

Setting up a device
- Connect Magicbit to the computer using provided USB cable.
Connect the device to the computer. After, click theÂ
- Select your device and follow instructions to load magicblocks.io firmware.
- On next window enter your internet router WiFi network name (SSID) and password
- On next stage select preferred configuration method either WiFi or USB . If one method didn’t work you can retry again or use other option to configure device. You will get a message after the successful configuration.
- If you configured using WiFi reconnect to your default WiFi network.
- Refresh Device Manager page in magicblocks portal, and check if the Connection column comes up as a green indicator. If yes, you have successfully configured your device.
Go to the playground!
- Login to Magicblocks and click on Playground Button to open the playground.
The playground is a hosted instance of a customized version of the open-source Node-Red application. On the left, you will find the palette where all the blocks will reside. You can drag and drop the blocks from the palette to the canvas and start rolling very quickly. Once done, click the Deploy button in the top right corner and all your changes will be saved. In the next section, we will go through some examples covering all the relevant blocks.

Hello Magicbit
Let’s start magic by displaying text on the Magicbit display.
- Turn on your Magicbit board that was set up in the previous section and wait for it to connect
- Open the playground
- Drag and drop the Display block under the category Magicbit
- Double-click on the block and select the device ID
- Drag and drop inject blocks under the general category and connect them to the Display block
- In one inject node-set payload type as String and type Hello Magicbit in the text box. You can set a topic too.
- Click deploy
- Click the button in inject node to see the magic. You can set any text from anywhere in the world!!!
how to reset the magicbit board? Im ussually working with arduino ide and I have already connected magicbit to magic blocks and i want to disable or quit magic blocks and make magicbit respond to arduino. How can i do it
Anuruddha Tennakoon
you can just program with Arduino. follow getting started guide for arduino