Tiny MagicCode – L02
Magicbit Tiny - Scratch Lesson 02

Light Show

Controlling LEDs in the Magicbit Tiny


Simple scratch program to blink and create light patterns using the LEDs in Magicbit Tiny

Learning Outcomes

  • Scratch / MagicCode Platform
  • Basics of the Scratch programming
  • LED controlling with digital signals
  • “Loops” in programming
  • Patterns from LEDs

Required Components

  • Magicbit Tiny Board
  • USB cable
  • Computer with Internet Connection
  • MagicCode Platform

Expected Output


Steps for the Activity
Step 01
  • Get into the MagicCode platform

Step 02

Connect the Magicbit Tiny to the computer and with MagicCode via USB

  • Get into the Magicbit web uploader

Magicbit Web Uploader
  • Click on the ”Tiny Scratch” button and wait for the fie to download.

  • Open the downloaded file to get the Tiny Uploader.
  • Select the correct serial port to which the Magicbit Tiny is connected.
  • Click on the ”Scratchfy” button and wait for it to

  • Open the downloaded file to get the Tiny Uploader.

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